Die With Zero

by Bill Perkins

Published 2020 240 pages

Very hard not to interpret this book as permission.

I've never been particularly good at resisting the urge to spend money. I'm susceptible to retail therapy in a big way, no matter how many products, once owned, cease to spark joy. I know, fundamentally, that experiences (and your memories of those experiences) are the only thing you can really take through life with you. (Maybe relationships too.) Reinforcing what I already know is what this book is about.

Although I think that this book is for someone just slightly more wealthy than me, the main points make a lot of senseā€”to wit:

Arguments that sound right, that you feel like you already know.

The rest of the book sort of props up and explores these themes: how your earning potential increases with age, so you can borrow from your future when you're young and have little to lose; how to balance your three main resources of health, money, and time at various points in your life; how to determine which experiences you want to have, and at which points in your life to have them. It's a short book, more a guide to turning your resources into experience.

Very good. I recommend it if your first financial priority is penny-pinching.


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Social media sucks. Yeah that's right Twitter, I'm talking to you.