Under-cabinet motion-sensing USB-C LED light bars

You know Pinterest. You know when you see immaculately-shot interiors on Pinterest. You know when you spend loads of money trying to make your house look like one of those immaculate shots. You know when it doesn't, and you wonder what's missing.

What's missing is Under-Cabinet Motion Sensing USB-C Light Bars, which it turns out you can buy on eBay for like £4 each. They're so Available over there on eBay that I'm not even going to link you to them. You mount them underneath your cabinets—bathroom, kitchen, garage workspace—and voilà with a wave of your hand under its motion sensing eye, your house instantly becomes immaculate.

I didn't even bother cleaning up. You can't tell. It's just so I M M A C U L A T E

Forget HomeKit. Forget Home Assistant. Forget all these guys. The immaculate home is smooth-brained, motion-sensing, and has a tiny onboard battery charged via USB.



Dufton loop

A run up to the Dun Fells and Cross Fell from Dufton in the Eden Valley.


Now: 3 February - 9 February 2025

February's here. Easily the worst month of the year (sorry Valentine's Day enjoyers). Still dark, and as if on cue: here comes the wet weather, at last.