Willow Miner trail race

Ran the Willow Miner trail race hosted by Elvet Striders last week. It's a fantastic race on an exciting course winding through the woods, parks, and hillsides south of Durham. I'd wanted to run it but missed the signup window—as a popular race it sold out quickly. I was able to race thanks to a fellow Strider dropping out a couple weeks before the race, and made my way to the starting line with 200-odd other runners in all colours of race vest.

The race went well—I ran my darndest, paced it well, and finished strong. The downside of running such a popular local race, however, is that it attracts the best of the best—and so what feels to me like a well-run race often winds up looking pretty mediocre in the results. Still, I don't reckon I could have run it much better than I did. Now I'm going to go back and try running it on my own to better my time for next year.

Willow Miner on StravaResults on Elvet Striders



The Custom of the Country


Durham Coastal Half Marathon

Running 13.1 miles down a familiar stretch of coast.